Masjid Services

Here are some of the services the Masjid offers.


Masjid Riza is one of the largest in Huddersfield and can accommodate very large gatherings. Funeral prayer services (Janāzah) are held at the Masjid and can be arranged via the main office.

Funeral Services

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

We know this can be a very difficult time and we are here to help in any way we can.

We can conduct the preparation of bodies for funerals/burials and the coffin and have all the facilities to wash the deceased and store them in the Masjid. The masjid ensures that the service aspect of a funeral is carried out as best as possible before the departed is taken to the graveyard.

The masjid can provide or help provide the following:

  • Guidance for arranging Catering Services for guests.

  • Sitting Halls (Separate for men & women).

  • 24 hour access to the Masjid.

  • Washing & Storage Facilities.

  • ‘Khatams’ & ‘Kuls’ facilities – free of charge – donations welcome to the masjid.

  • Help with getting cause of death/disease certificate from GP or hospital.

  • Help with getting death certificate from the registration office.

  • Help with obtaining Corner’s report for sending bodies abroad.

  • Help with transportation from home to mortuary – cemetery or airport.

  • Provide help and assistance in travelling arrangements.

You can get more information about burials in Huddersfield from the Huddersfield Muslim Burial Council (HMBC) web page:


The Masjid can perform both Nikah and Civil marriages, please click the link below to find out more.

Family Counselling

Family counselling is available to those experiencing problems or those wanting advice on marriage. An appointment will have to be made with the Imam in person or by contacting the Masjid. 

Free of Charge Visits & Tours

Masjid Riza is open to visitors throughout the year. We receive a number of visitors from schools who wish to find out more about the workings of a Masjid and the Islamic faith for projects and studies. If you would like to book a visit please send an email to and we will do our utmost to meet your arrangements.


Masjid Riza has the following facilities available:

  • Main prayer hall with a capacity for up to 400 worshippers. 

  • Upper prayer hall and lecture room. Capacity for 300 worshippers.

  • Lower prayer hall with a capacity for up to 350 worshippers. 

  • 2 Side extension rooms

  • Fully equipped catering kitchen for community functions.

  • Management office for both men and women

  • Storage rooms and smaller kitchens for both men and women.

  • Projectors and wifi connection available for lectures, classes and meetings.

  • Car park, including allocated disabled parking space.

  • Wudhu area for both men and women including disabled toilet access facilities.

  • CCTV around the Masjid for security

  • Analogue & Digital Azaan Radio System broadcasting live to homes.